
The Fifth Potentiator Practice :: Cultivate Close Connections

Every time you meet somebody, they should feel energized by that interaction.  Connect with people who have the power to make a difference on your behalf. Combine touch and technology. Abide by Dunbar’s Number: live by the Law of 150. Mobilize your mobilizers. Enhance your empathy to earn the most valuable currency of all: reciprocity. […]

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The Fourth Potentiator Practice :: Communicate Like a Champion

Practice C.A.R.E. – Be Clear, Authoritative, Reassuring, Empowering.  Assume the persona of a communicator. Let your whole self come out to play. Be a champion of something. Know your style. Know your outcome. Have a roadmap. Connect others to their purpose. Strip away the inessentials. Speak the language of the people you’re speaking to. Talk

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The Third Potentiator Practice :: Grow Courageous Creativity

The Third Potentiator PracticeGrow Courageous Creativity Grow Courageous Creativity Creativity is the elixir that enables you to transcend the gravity of “what is” in order to manifest “what can be.” Free yourself from the pull of your past, from the fear of your future, from the concerns about looking stupid to others, from the need

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The Second Potentiator Practice :: Build Robust Resilience

Build Robust Resilience The Second Potentiator Practice Build Robust Resilience The Second Potentiator Practice Build Robust Resilience The Second Potentiator Practice Build Robust Resilience Be elastic. Recover your original shape or spirit. Robust Resilience isn’t just a passive capacity to endure setbacks or losses; it’s an active skill that can be strengthened with practice and

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